Okay for casual fun journalling but not for serious deep stuff
Great app. The prompts are thought provoking and a great way to reflect on yourself and see how you've changed over the year when you look back. Edit: I really wish the bugs would be fixed in this app! The entries don't save unless I re-enter it multiple times. I've been going at this app for many years now and don't want to stop now. Please fix!!
Can't get entries to save error message says it is null!
Syncing was fixed. Very good app.
Ive had this app since 2016 and i really love it! However none of my entries from this year seem to be saving. I fill them in and when i open my app again all but this years entries are their to view and 2021 is blank or missing.
Love the questions, but the app's functionality makes it frustrating to use. Answers need to be entered twice to get them to finally save. Perhaps there could be a manual save button?
Seriously: Why does every single entry "fail to save". The opportunity to "try again" is given, but even then they don't save - and we get a notification saying: "Reason: Null". This app USED TO work. Why not now? Any help from the moderators?
Seems awesome, but like another reviewer stated I'm unable to get entries to save in any way. There isn't a button to save manually, the 3-dot menu only has a delete option. Also tried hitting enter (just does a carriage return), pressing the hamburger menu button, and one of the other days at the top. How do I save my entries??
Please I've not been able to save my entries recently 😢😞😔... I've poured out my heart in these journal the past few days but my entries didn't save This is frustrating How can I get it back please???
I used to love this app, but I can't get it to save my entries anymore. I've had this problem for months and have tried it on two separate phones. I've checked internet connections, permissions, updates, and anything else I can think of. Still no luck. Very frustrating.